Monday, June 26, 2006

Back from Hiatus; Push Hands with a vengence!

At the lesson just before I left, I decided to try out Sinking energy(沉劲), or whatever of it that I have. The results turned out to be quite positive! When you want to sink, just project the sinking into your hand and it makes a difference! The guy I was like tired out after just a few rounds! Hehe! Asking me how I managed to keep all his movements in check. Seriously, I did nothing much!

Just mentally have my Intention focused on the sinking part.
However, when doing so, a common mistake is that the hand will tense up so look out for that. Remember the secret is to be relaxed!
Although here I say to have the Intention focused on the sinking part, I think with much practice, the sinking part will sink into your taiji without much focused Intention.
During that lesson, my teacher was also explaining about the circles in push hands. He was saying that just in a small circular motion of the hand, the opponent's move is neutralised....I started to get something, but..........I need to try it out....until next time!


Blogger TaiJiXin said...

My tai chi style is Yang style. Our long form is 115 forms. Believe this is similar to the 108 forms. Enjoyed your posts.


3:32 am, June 29, 2006  
Blogger TaiJiXin said...

Your writing is very much helpful for me to teach my students (beginners).

By the way, my Yang style 115 forms came from Master Li, Ya Xuan.
One of Yang Cheng Fu's leading disciple was Li Ya Xuan (李雅轩) (1894 - 1976).


3:42 am, June 29, 2006  
Blogger Eman Rohe said...

Yeah, I was reading an article of Master Li Ya Xuan the other day and was quite impressed by his explanation. I have also seen his books at the local bookstore, written by his daughtert and son-in-law. Wanted to buy them but am too poor now.....

11:41 pm, July 02, 2006  

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