Thursday, January 18, 2007

Don't understand...

Today, I posed to questions to my teacher:

1. What is the difference between someone who sinks(say his arm) and someone whose arm is heavy?

Ans: To sink is to let one's elbow drop, whole arm relax. Heavy is when you purposely use muscle power to press down.

2. How do you peng(ward off) or sustain the "balloon" between your arm and body without using your arm muscle power?

Ans: To actually make space between your body and arms by rearranging your body and kua and butt structure slightly, before shifting back when someone pushes.

But seriously, I still don't really get it. How do you maintain a structure without using muscle power and resisting?

Then my teacher say,"Not so fast one lah."

So back to practice!!!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

For peng, try spiraling the fascia of your forearm and, if you can feel it, spiral fascia in your whole arm and scapula, the spine, down your leg into your feet. I say - when my feet are sore, it's good pushing hands.

Relaxation assists in developing twisted fascia that supports structure; though too much relaxation, to soon, develops flaccidity. Sinking makes the twined fascia a tensegrity support structure...bit by bit.

Taiji is developmental.

5:29 am, July 10, 2008  

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